Friday, May 31, 2019
Classical Conditioning Essay -- essays research papers
Green unobjectionable Go, Red Light intermitClassical teach shapes numerous of societys common, every solar day tasks. Whether we know it or not, many actions we do numerous times a day ar a direct result of unsullied conditioning. To better understand why we act the office we do in society, classical conditioning must be defined and described.Classical conditioning is defined as a process by which a previously neutral stimulus acquires the capacity to awake a response through association with a stimulus that already elicits a similar or related response. Discovered by Ivan Pavlov, classical conditioning is a form of learning. Pavlov revealed this trait when experimenting with dogs amounts of saliva in response to meat. He started noticing that later many repetitions, the dogs were salivating before the meat was even introduced. Pavlov reason that some other stimulus that was repetitively associated with the meat was triggering the salivation. This simple concept describes how many actions are carried reveal in society today.Many times classical conditioning is not something that is purposefully done, but rather an incidental outcome. Conditioning may take a variable amount of time to occur. For example, humans are not born associating red with stop. As we grow, and ride in cars, we begin to consciously or subconsciously figure out that when a stoplight is red-you stop. Stop signs are red, stoplight... Classical Conditioning Essay -- essays research papers Green Light Go, Red Light StopClassical conditioning shapes many of societys common, everyday tasks. Whether we know it or not, many actions we do numerous times a day are a direct result of classical conditioning. To better understand why we act the way we do in society, classical conditioning must be defined and described.Classical conditioning is defined as a process by which a previously neutral stimulus acquires the capacity to elicit a response through association with a stim ulus that already elicits a similar or related response. Discovered by Ivan Pavlov, classical conditioning is a form of learning. Pavlov revealed this trait when experimenting with dogs amounts of saliva in response to meat. He started noticing that after many repetitions, the dogs were salivating before the meat was even introduced. Pavlov concluded that some other stimulus that was repetitively associated with the meat was triggering the salivation. This simple concept describes how many actions are carried out in society today.Many times classical conditioning is not something that is purposefully done, but rather an incidental outcome. Conditioning may take a variable amount of time to occur. For example, humans are not born associating red with stop. As we grow, and ride in cars, we begin to consciously or subconsciously figure out that when a stoplight is red-you stop. Stop signs are red, stoplight...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Wake Up Girls Essay -- Media Fashion Papers
Wake Up Girls Sometimes we lose sight of what is important in breeding and that is when it is necessary to take a step back to reconsider the guardianship in which we are going. Teenage girls today are becoming little and less original and more generic. Generic symbolizing how alike teenage girls look. It is disturbing for me as a teenage girl to hear and see what teenage girls conceptualize to be imperative in order to be happy and successful. The media in America has everything to do with what is going wrong with the lifestyles of young women. This is when we, as the target base for media, need to reassess our values and the meaning we wish to fulfill in our lives. I believe the media recognizes the influence that they possess over teenage girls but because much(prenominal) good profits are coming in off of movies, clothing, magazines, and other materialistic products, they find no need to stop or redirect their motives. A petite young girl strutting out of Abercromb ie & Fitch exhausting a black sequenced mini-skirt with a matching black top that is skin-tight against her undeveloped chest walks by at our local mall and unfortunately this is not so rare. Young girls in elementary school wearing skinny strap tank transcend and make-up is unnecessary and frightening. It is sad to conceptualize that young girls are already caring at that age how they look and what other people might think of them. When I was in elementary school, which was not too long ago, I did not have a care in the world of what I was wearing and most of the girls around me seemed to be oblivious to each-others clothing. I actually think my mother still dressed me. So I believe it is legal to say that the influence of the media is becoming greater and it has stimulated children si... ...d hear we need to be able to block it out. The media has influenced us enough in the wrong direction and I believe it is time we influence them in the other direction. Seventeen Young Wo man Today Take a Stand and Leave tail the Generic Route That the Media was Guiding Them Toward. Now that would be an issue worth the five dollars.NWorks CitedCooper, Peter J, ed., and Allen Stein, ed. Monographs in Clinical Pediatrics Feeding Problems and take in Disorders in Children and Adolescents.Vol 5. Philadelphia Harwood Academic Publishers,1992. Russell, Gerald F.M. Impact on Puberty of Anorexia. Cooper 90. Sep. 2003. Statistics Eating Disorders and Their Precursers. 23 Sep. 2003
La paideia homosexuelle: Foucault, Platon et Aristote :: French Essays
La paideia homosexuelle Foucault, Platon et AristoteABSTRACT As Michel Foucault diethylstilbesterolcribes it, the homosexual paideia in classical Greece was an erotic bonding between a boy who had to take away how to become a man, and a mature man who paid court to him. In many of his dialogues, Plato plays with this scheme he retains the erotic atmosphere, but he inverts and purifies the full-page process in the name of virtue and wisdom. In the Republic, however, Socrates pupil forsakes this model in favor of a bisexual education for the shepherds and shepherdesses of the State. Aristotle resolutely opposes this move. He hence reverts to a kind of homosexual paideia for the future citizens of his ideal state, but this choice fosters many unspoken problems. la fin du premier livre de la Politique (1260b8-19), Aristote souligne limportance dune ducation approprie des femmes, qui forment une moiti de la population libre , et des enfants, qui deviendront des citoyens participant au gouvernement de la cit . Cette formation doit tre dfinie en tenant le regard fix tire la constitution de la cit elle variera donc de concert avec les diverses formes de gouvernement. Pourtant, lorsquil analyse celles-ci, le Stagirite ne se proccupe pas de leurs arrangements ducatifs, pas plus que sa cit idale naborde la question de lducation fminine pour mieux comprendre cet tonnant silence, il faut comparer la politique aristotlicienne de lducation celle de Platon, mais sur la toile de fond de la paideia homosexuelle telle que la dcrit Foucault.1- La paideia homosexuelleSelon K. J. Dover (1982 13), la culture grecque diffre de la ntre par quatre traits tout dabord, elle admet facilement lapparition successive de prfrences homosexuelles et htrosexuelles chez un mme individu en second lieu, elle nie implicitement que cette succession ou cette coexistence puisse crer des problmes particuliers pour lindividu ou la socit troisimement, elle ragit favorablement aux manifestat ions dun dsir homosexuel en paroles ou en gestes enfin, elle a du got pour un libre traitement des sujets homosexuels dans la littrature ou dans les arts plastiques . Cest dans ce contexte que sest labore la pdagogie homosexuelle, cest--dire, dans les termes dlisabeth Badinter (1992 121), lapprentissage de la virilit par le moyen de lhomosexualit . Cette forme particulire dducation est longuement dcrite par Michel Foucault dans Lusage des plaisirs.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Hacking Essay -- essays research papers fc
As the world becomes more and more reliant on computing machines the computer hacking industriousness is greatly rising. With people such as Kevin Mitnick, who is known as a "computer terrorist" (Kjochaiche 1), computerized information isnt safe any more. Kevin is known as "the most high-profiled computer criminal and responsible for more havoc in the computer world today."(1) He considered this a fun and easy task. He got caught and thrown into prison, but formerly he got out nothing changed. Kevin stated that as long as the technology is there it just calls to people to break into it. Computer hacks usually pioneer off young, thinking that it is nothing but a little harmless fun. But as they get older, they realize it has turned into an addiction. The definition of a hacker according to the Hackers Dictionary, "a person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable system of ruless and how to stretch their capabilities."(Hackers 1) "The Internet is just another playing field." (Kjochaiche 3) "Hackers regard hacking as a game in which their attend is up against that of the system designers." (Hackers 3) The Internet allows the hackers to take files, programs, intelligences, and other information from users that are using it. They use this as a tool to make it easier to beat "the system". There are three major types of hackers, one with good intentions but gets slapped in the face due to the risky reputation of others, there are the hackers with bad intentions, and there are the hackers that fit in between. The bad hacker category is the largest by far. "A bad hackers motives are to punish someone or avenge against the owner of a computer system."(2) Computer terrorists fall under this category. Some bad hackers may also hack just to challenge the programmer. The hacker feels that if they rat break into it then they are much more superior than the person who actually wrote the software. They can feel so superior that they might enter a virus to eliminate a program that was not worthy of their abilities. One of the other many goals of a hacker is to steal watchwords. Hackers can steal your password about four different ways. Intercepting your password through email is "not that difficult."(How are they getting my password? 1) This is by far the easiest method because all they birth to do is take the email as ... ... out. More often than not the hackers are soloists.(Kjochaiche, 6) It is proven that when hackers work together they get caught more often. Hackers will unceasingly do their work just like doctors will unceasingly treat patience. With the growth of technology comes new threats, and new problems. This will continue to be on the rise due to advances in the world.(Hackers, 3) Millions and millions of dollars will be put to end this but this will not work because new ways of hacking will always be made. Bibliography Works Cited Computer Hackers Online Available Http// Dellert, Brian. Interview with a Hacker Online Available http// January 3,1997. Espy, Bob. Crime on the Intenet Online Available http//www.techforum. com/tsld009.htm. Hackers Online Available http// How are they getting my password? Online Available http// Kjochaiche, Ahmad. Kevin Mitnick Computer Terrorist Online Available http// Orman, Neil. Is your computer hacker-proof? Online Available http// Septemeber 1, 1997
Beach Burial Essay -- English Literature
Beach BurialBeach Burial says only that men die and are buried. Is this a fairevaluation of the poem?Beach Burial is a poem which deals with many issues, not only aboutmen dying and beingness buried. This is by no means a fair evaluation ofthe poem. The poem in actual fact deals with the problems in war, andit encases a hidden meaning, which is equality.This poem dwells heavy on the problems in war. It describes how highthe death toll is for both sides. Slessor uses convoys of deadsailors to show that all these dead bodys are very frequently alike, withtheir movements and feelings being the same. It also outlines a majorproblem in war, being able to identify and bury they dead properly.And each cross, the driven stake of tide-wood, bears the plumpsignature of m...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Fan Fiction in a Literary Context :: Fan Fiction Essays
Fan Fiction in a Literary ContextFor most people, John F. Kennedy Jr was a computer address in a play, a character in a story, just the way Sherlock Holmes was. When hes lost, then people react very emotionally. Constantly rehearsing the details of somebodys life and death shows that people argon trying to continue the story. We always try to do that when the story ends before were prepargond for the ending.- Neil Postman, chairman of the de assortment of culture and communication at New York University1On the official Anne Rice web site2 appears the following messageI do not allow fan fiction.The characters are copyrighted. It upsets me terribly to even think near fan fiction with my characters. I advise my readers to write your own headmaster stories with your own characters.It is absolutely essential that you respect my wishes.Until relatively recently in the accounting of fiction, this would have seemed a very odd message from writer to reader. For a start, the idea that the re is some intrinsic virtue in using an original character or story would have puzzled most ancient or mediaeval writers. They did do that sometimes, but they plundered the vast resources of myth and business relationship just as happily - indeed there is a mediaeval convention of authorial modesty whereby writers routinely claim that they found the story they are about to tell in some ancient bind. Thus Robert Henryson, the fifteenth-century Scottish poet, tells how, one winter night by the fire, he read a book writtin be worthie Chaucer glorious,Of fair Cresseid and lustie Troilus.3 And he tells us that when he had finished Chaucers Troilus and Criseyde, which ends with Troilus mourning his faithless love but does not say what became of her, he took another book, in which he found...the fatall destinieOf fair Cresseid This second book, of course, does not exist, though it will he is about to write it. The Testament of Cresseid is his sequel to Chaucers poem, using the charact ers both poets had borrowed from Greek myth and made their own, though neither would have thought to call them my characters. However individualised by each successive poet who used them, they were still Troilus and Cressida, part of a resource that belonged to all.History is another such resource and Shakespeare, his contemporaries and successors happily plundered classical, English and European history for plots and characters.
Fan Fiction in a Literary Context :: Fan Fiction Essays
Fan Fiction in a Literary ContextFor most people, John F. Kennedy Jr was a face in a play, a character in a story, just the way Sherlock Holmes was. When hes lost, then people react very emotionally. Constantly rehearsing the dilate of somebodys life and death shows that people atomic number 18 trying to continue the story. We always try to do that when the story ends before were prepared for the ending.- Neil Postman, chairman of the department of elaboration and communication at New York University1On the official Anne Rice web site2 appears the following messageI do non allow fan fiction.The characters are copyrighted. It upsets me terribly to even think about fan fiction with my characters. I advise my readers to write your own original stories with your own characters.It is absolutely essential that you admire my wishes.Until relatively recently in the history of fiction, this would have seemed a very odd message from writer to reader. For a start, the idea that there is some immanent virtue in using an original character or story would have puzzled most ancient or mediaeval writers. They did do that sometimes, merely they plundered the vast resources of myth and history just as happily - indeed there is a mediaeval convention of authorial modesty whereby writers routinely claim that they found the story they are about to tell in some ancient book. Thus Robert Henryson, the fifteenth-century Scottish poet, tells how, one winter night by the fire, he read a book writtin be worthie Chaucer glorious,Of fair Cresseid and lustie Troilus.3 And he tells us that when he had finished Chaucers Troilus and Criseyde, which ends with Troilus mourning his faithless love but does not say what became of her, he took another book, in which he found...the fatall destinieOf fair Cresseid This second book, of course, does not exist, though it will he is about to write it. The testament of Cresseid is his sequel to Chaucers poem, using the characters both poets ha d borrowed from Greek myth and made their own, though neither would have thought to call them my characters. However individualised by to each one successive poet who used them, they were still Troilus and Cressida, part of a resource that belonged to all.History is another such resource and Shakespeare, his contemporaries and successors happily plundered classical, English and European history for plots and characters.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Strategic Alliance Between Nokia and Microsoft
Business Administration knowledge assists the implementation of the strategic eitheriance between Nokia and Microsoft from several aspects. To begin with, decisions some leaders be genius of the most disturbing problems in the strategic alliance interim leaders are appropriate solutions to the issue (Werther, 1998). Interim leaders are those haired from a third party, not belonging to the alliance partners. Compared to selecting a leader from one of the partners, interim leaders have their advantages.It eliminates the assumption from both the public and the employees that one party has the domination, which assists to build a neutral image of the alliance (Werther, 1998). Therefore, Nokia and Microsoft are in a fairly equivalent position in the alliance. Moreover, their focus is the achievement of the alliance rather than the benefits of one of the alliance parties (either Nokia or Microsoft). Compared to outside consultants, interim leaders also have more merits.Werther (1998) suggests that interim leaders have working(a) or practical authority instead of advising authority owned by consultants, and they are suitable in the start-up stage of the alliance. As the alliance between Nokia and Microsoft has exclusively begun, interim leaders can be helpful. Interim leaders contribute to distinguishing between actual values that are in use from stated or espoused values that are merely touted for internal or external consumption (Argyriset al, 1985 cited in Werther, 1998, p. 342). Thus, Nokia and Microsoft should select an interim leader from the third party rather from themselves.In addition, knowledge flow management including intellectual property protection is crucial to the success of the alliance. Microsoft is the leading software company in the world, and Nokia has been the leading phone manufacturer all over the world. Thus, the value of intangible information can be even greater than tangible assets companies own. However, partners are often in a di lemmatic situation where they essential to balance the outflow of information to successfully achieve the task and the protection of intellectual asset (Osborn et al, 2001).The careful management of information is of great importance. Firstly, alliance managers look at to have a clear understanding of partners intention of learning and the extent to which partners are willing to learn from cooperators (Ireland et al, 2002). Then, suitable organizational promise like integrating mechanisms and use of interest-aligning incentive plans (Geringer& Herbert, 1989 Kumar & Seth, 1998 cited in Ireland et al, 2002, p. 437) can be used to manage information flow.When it comes to intellectual property protection, both Microsoft and Nokia should think about the value of the companys intellectual asset and decide the key components that belong to inadvertent transfer. In this case, Microsoft may need to have a reflexion of the safety of core techniques involved in providing the operating syst em. Moreover, Gadieshet al (2002) emphasize the necessity to have an intellectual property audit internally before alliance, with companies whose exchange capital consist of intellectual property.Lastly, building trust between partners also contributes to the success of strategic alliance. Trust means that the partners behaviours will get through expectations, and it leads partners to bear risks and produces a positive effect on the alliance (Ireland et al, 2002). Continuing to show the companys goals for strategic alliance while partners do the homogeneous and demonstrate patience are important actions in building trust (Cullen et al, 2000 cited in Ireland et al, 2002, p. 38). As the problems are usually clearer to middle managers and engineers who experience every twenty-four hour period alliance activities (Osborn et al, 2001), thus, the trust and communication building between these people from Microsoft and Nokia cannot be ignored. All in all, experts and managers with soph isticated business administration knowledge are infallible to implement these tasks. The successes of these aspects contribute to the success of the strategic alliance.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Evaluate the View That the Separation of Ownership
Evaluate the view that the legal disengagement of ownership from control in large firms inevitably leads to diseconomies of home base. The separation of ownership from control can be defined as the situation in which the shareholders of a firm do not manage or control it. The shareholders of large publicly owned withstand no controlling interest and hence the managers and directors run the organisation. Diseconomies of scale can be described as the increase in the long term fair cost of production as the scale of operation increases.It can be argued that the separation of ownership from control can lead to diseconomies of scale due to the leave out of communication between managers and shareholders, hence inefficiency and averages costs increase. But it could also be argued that large firms can also benefit from economies of scale whilst being operated through the separation of ownership from control the diseconomies of scale are not always inevitable as described above. Firstl y, the separation of ownership from control can lead to managerial diseconomies of scale.The power the shareholders put wiz across over the disciplining and monitoring of its executive management is reduced and as a result of this, managers whitethorn cause inefficiency by pursuing plastered objectives for their own self-interest and at the expense of the shareholders. If the managers of the firm are measured and rewarded on achievement of growing targets rather than profit and return to shareholders then they whitethorn lose focus on cost control e. g. supplier costs and as a result this could drive up the average costs of production.This would have a bigger impact on large firms due to the scale of production. The costs will be entangle on a much big scale, particularly if this culture affects the way the whole of the business operates not just one business area. The extent on the managerial diseconomies of scale will estimate on the objectives of the managers. If their per sonal targets are to ensure high business performance, then this increase in average cost may not be felt as they may aim to increase productive efficiency to maximise profit and dividends to shareholders.Conversely, although diseconomies of scale may persist in a large firm, the separation of ownership of control may not necessarily be the cause of it. There are other factors that may have contributed to the firm experiencing diseconomies of scale. The fast growth of a firm may cause the employees to feel alienated if they feel that they arent valued as an individual. As a result of this, the productivity of demotivated employees may fall and the roductive efficiency of the firm will decrease, therefore increasing the average cost for each unit of output. The diseconomies of scale may also be caused by the inability for a firm to monitor the productivity of every one of its employees. The lack of supervision resulting from the size of the company and scale of production may compr essed that employees are not working to their optimum level of output or utilizing resources efficiently and this could result in wasted resources e. . From employee errors. Therefore the average cost of producing one unit of output increases. Although, there is not really an easy way to determine the exact cause of the diseconomies of scale. In the short term, it may cost more than for the business to alter the way it operates to reduce the average costs. The rate of growth and output may mean that the business is not prepared to change its trading operations whilst it is generating such a large amount of revenue.In conclusion, I dont think that separation of ownership from control will inevitably lead to diseconomies of scale for a large firm. Rapid growth is more likely to cause a business to experience them rather than the lack of control for shareholders of the firm. The most expensive resources for a firm are employees and premises. The diseconomies of scale that a firm may experience may be due to the increase of overheads from the rapid expansion ahead the increased volume profit and volume can be realised in the long term.Although the lack of control for shareholders may initially contribute to a rise in average costs as a firm expands (assuming that the managers want to operate the firm in a way that will run their personal targets increase their salaries rather than maximise the return for the firm), the increase in average costs should be a short term phenomenon due to rapid increases in volume it should be outweighed by economies of scale generated from buying in large quantities.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Witness Paper Essay
There is no better manner to construe an event than to see it first-hand. History is an imperfect thing. and as narratives are passed down. raft forget their true significance. In The Witness . Katherine Anne Porters Uncle Jimbilly has experienced the horrors of bondage personally. and is frustrated when kids of the following coevals do non to the full understand and evaluate the subject. The manner Porter describes these characters subtly shows the subscriber their feelings toward each other. Direct word provide may non be the most elusive signifier. but it rapidly and expeditiously gets a point across. The kids are given descriptions like. flighty . thoughtful . and sad looking . This brief word picture causes one to see the kids merely as guiltless immature heads. Uncle Jimbilly is described as an old adult virile who hobbles on a stick with light-green grey. flocculent hair. He is bent nearly double from old ages spent bowing over things. This reflects his former life as a slave.He has clearly lived a long. difficult life. and his battered extreme structure shows us this. Indirect word picture helps to supply a deeper apprehension of a character. Through the inquiries the kids have for Uncle Jimbilly. particularly the younger two. Porter demonstrates their sinlessness farther. The kids thought Uncle Jimbilly had got over his bondage really good. This outlook creates some inquiries the kids believe to be harmless they do non to the full understand the emotional strain Uncle Jimbilly faces. However. with his responses. the reader comprehends his true feelings on the affair. Maria asks him to carve Safe in Heaven on the gravestone for her coney.At her inquiry Uncle Jimbilly grows impatient and continues to reminisce about the male childs in the swamp and the unjust ways they were treated. This highlights the acrimonious feelings he has toward his yesteryear and the fact that the kids do non understand his agony. Katherine Anne Porters usage of word picture leaves the reader with a character many beds deep. She displays their colourss in a manner which highlights the implicit in subject in The Witness . The generational spread among Uncle Jimbilly and the kids is portrayed throughout the narrative and Uncle Jimbillys past of bondage is used as vehicle to stress this spread. Younger coevalss will neer to the full understand their ancestors lives. merely as coevalss to come will non understand theirs.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Effective Business Communication Essay
I like writers who shoot straight. When they are happy, you know it. When they are angry, they permit you know.Success of any business lies in effective communication. The more effective the communication is, the better the results are. Communication is effective when it produces desired action in the lecturer or audience. You should be straight forward and sincere while communicating in a business environment. If you are not honest and direct when communicating to others there is a greater chance that you may lose the trust of the person you are speaking with. Without trust there is no bonding amongst two parties which can lead to direct business loss and low morale in the workplace.In a business environment, the more you know slightly the person you are communicating to can make it easier to concentrate on their needs which in turn will make it easier for them to hear your message, understand it and suffice to it positively. I like for people to speak to me direct and straight forward, no matter what the subject matter is about. If I did something incorrect, I want you to tell me what I did wrong, explain to me how to fix it, and then we move on.Working in Human Resources, I have learned everyone does not want to be spoken to in a straightforward manner. In the past I had to find ways to tell employees they messed up on a project, but I had to hold their consider (not literally) throughout the conversation so their feelings would not be hurt.
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